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A Taste of "Only Skin Deep" from Coming Into Focus

Here's the first part of the first story in my new book, "Coming Into Focus: Another Collection of Stories." It's about a young runaway who, after months of abuse, finds herself in strange, new surroundings. Enjoy!

As she opened her eyes, Brandy Cary wasn’t sure where she was or how she got there.

The darkness embraced her like a familiar lover as she slowly regained awareness. It’s never easy these days. Her head feels so heavy and unresponsive, as if filled with steel wool, while her limbs ache and feel wooden. Since meeting Hector Guerrero, she’s loathed waking up and rejoining the living world. Life is so much easier in her opioid dreams. Nothing matters when she’s lost in her perpetual heroin fog. Consciousness means the hurt is back, the pain has returned. She searched for her beacon, that comforting sliver of light. There’s always a thin line of light at the bottom of the closet door.

Where is the light? It’s always there. Ever since Hector put me in here. I don’t like the dark. I’m scared. Scared he’s back. Need my shit. Need some shit to take away the hurt. DiSalvo…he forced Hector, made him put me in here. I hate him. Hate when he touches me…how I wish he was dead. My legs are shaking, I ache all over. I need some shit…need it bad. God, I hate myself. I don’t hear anything. Where’s my dope? I’m so cold but burning up inside. And where is the light? Did Hector leave? “Gravedigger” DiSalvo did this. He wants me to be his girl. Hate him so much. Hector was too scared to stop him. Damn it, I need some shit. I need it. I’m sweating, trembling. No, even if he left the apartment there would still be the light. Why am I such a fuck up? Can’t do anything right. Why is it so quiet? Hector always has the TV on. How could he? He couldn’t leave me without a bag! I need my shit…I need some shit right now. Where’s the light? I hate it here, hate it. He always has the stuff…it gets me right. My brain is on fire, can’t take it. It’s been too long already. Why can’t I be normal? God, I feel sick…so sick. My stomach…it hurts. The light should be there. Am I someplace else? This isn’t fair! I can’t believe he’d leave without giving me my shit. It’s never been this dark before. Why is this happening to me? I need it…I need it right now! Am I still in the closet? What happened? I need the light! And my shit! Where the fuck am I?

Without warning, several overhead lights hummed to life, momentarily stopping the maelstrom of thoughts in her head. The sudden brightness forced the scared girl to cover her face with her arms. Through squinted eyes, she could somewhat make out her surroundings: a small bedroom with one dresser, nightstand and the bed she currently occupied. There are two doors, a large one directly in front of her and a smaller one to the right.

She saw the main door open as someone entered. Brandy curled up into a tight, fetal position before peeking out. Even though she had no idea where she was, she said a quick prayer it wasn’t DiSalvo coming to see her. She blinked rapidly, begging her eyes to adjust so she could see who it was. A massive figure, silhouetted against the lights, moved slowly toward her, carrying something in his arms. Her heart pounded faster, involuntary fear escalating inside her, spurred on by a swirl of conflicted thoughts. Haggard breaths hissed out rapidly, as her body shook involuntarily, before she finally retreated mentally.

Oh God, no. It’s him. He’s back for date night, Brandy thought despondently, her body going limp. She completely surrenders in her mind, shutting herself off from the horrors to come.

For more, go to my Kickstarter campaign and donate. For a small contribution, you can own either the e-book or paperback version of Coming Into Focus. There are a lot of other reward bonuses for contributing too! Check it out here:

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