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  • Scott Young

My Wonderful Kickstarter Backers!

It's been a while since I posted but in my defense, there was a lot to do once my Kickstarter was funded and my book went to the publisher. However, now the book is published and available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and many other book selling sites so I am more than a little excited about everything.

I've sent all the rewards to my backers but I also promised to thank everyone individually on my website and I am a man of my word. So here goes:

Thank you to:

Andrea Engel, Beth Anderson, Colleen Young, Rebecca Gustaitis, Tony Tabtong, Brandy Mantione, Joe Episcopio, Joe Mondin, John Savage/Terri Orth, Mike Rocco, Corey Sauer, Rose Markisello, Su Laing, Ray Tetzlaff, Audrey Wright, Melissa Bush, Patti Sobral, Kelly Kasian, Georgeann Caperna, Joan Ollis, Debi Ann Harell, Peggy Kraus, Cristina Cerone, Joanne Bongiorni Patricello, Paula Finnerty, Renee Jefferson, Renee Ahlstroem, Michael Furth, Mike Pierce, Stephen Quindry, Eric Hooper, Eric Starghill, Flo Palomo, Maribel Day, Suzanne LeFebvre, Julia Krase, Jon Usiak, Tamara English, Debbie Kopacz, Pamela Roberts, Dawn Irwin, Fernando Ruiz, Joe Usher, Marianne Bocklage, Sean McFarland, Mark Morehouse, Thad Midas, Margaret St John, Nicholas Santos-Carter, Benjamin Famiglietti, Miraida Morales, Katherine Biggs and Marisol.

Falling Into Place would never have been realized without your help and support. My eternal thanks!

That officially wraps up all the Kickstarter rewards. Enjoy!

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