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  • Writer's picturescottyoungstoryteller

Thicker Than Water Excerpt

Here is a taste of the story "Thicker Than Water" from the my book, Falling Into Place: An Anthology of Short Stories.

Emily Sheppard had already screamed her throat raw by the time her captor returned .

Emily always considered herself a survivor, managing to overcome quite a bit in her three plus decades on Earth: an abusive father, dysfunctional family, financial struggles, numerous bad relationships, a pain killer addiction and even an ovarian cancer scare a few years back. Through it all, Emily kept telling herself better days were ahead, even if she couldn’t quite believe it. Once she met Kurt, Emily routinely said the hard times were simply the dues she had to pay before getting to have his love in her life. The last eighteen months were better than she ever hoped for, but a part of her, the cynical, damaged girl she’d been for so long, was always waiting for the other shoe to drop. She never dreamed that drop would be this precipitous.

The 33-year-old, part-time hostess was now trapped in a nightmare she could’ve never imagined, even at her lowest, darkest moments. When she left the restaurant where she’d worked for the past four years, exhausted from a long day on her feet, all she could think of was getting home. Some of her coworkers were heading out for a quick drink and some laughs, but she begged off, preferring a nice cup of tea and Kurt’s waiting arms. While unlocking her Ford Focus, Emily thought she heard someone call her name from far away. That was the last thing she remembered before waking up in this room completely nude, suspended upside down from the ceiling by ankle restraints. Her wrists were also bound together, tied to some kind of spike, which was hammered into the concrete floor. Barely ten seconds after regaining consciousness, she screamed for the first time.

Please go to my Kickstarter to help me fund publishing this book.

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